
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

- Safe Cracker
Bally, 1996
- Sahara Love
K.C. Tabart, 1984
- Sapporo
Sega, 1976
- Satellite
C.E.A., 1978
- Saturn 2
Bell Games, 1985
- Scared Stiff
Bally, 1996
- Scorpion
Williams, 1980
- Scramble
Tecnoplay, 1987
- Screech
Inder, 1976
- Sea Scare
Recel, 1978
- Seawitch
Stern, 1980
- Secret Service
Data East, 1988
- Sexy Girl
Bell Coin Matic, 1979
- Sexy Girl
Ranco, 1980
- Sexy Girl
Pinball Vision, 1978
- Sexy Girl
Arkon, 1980
- Sexy Girl Deluxe
Arkon, 1983
- The Shadow
Bally, 1994
- Shamrock
Inder, 1977
- Shaq Attack
Gottlieb, 1995
- Shark
Hankin, 1980
- The Shark
A.M.I., 1976
- Sharkey's Shootout
Stern, 2000
- Sharp Shooter II
Game Plan, 1983
- Sharpshooter
Game Plan, 1979
- Shield
Barni, 1985
- Ship Ahoy
Gottlieb, 1976
- Shooting the Rapids
Zaccaria, 1979
- Silver Slugger
Gottlieb by Premier, 1990
- Silverball Mania
Bally, 1978
- The Simpsons
Data East, 1990
- The Simpsons Pinball Party
Stern, 2003
- Sinbad
Gottlieb, 1978
- Sinbad
Europlay, 1979
- Sir Lancelot
Peyper, 1994
- Sisters
Mondialmatic, 1979
- The Six Million Dollar Man
Bally, 1977
- Skate Board
Inder, 1980
- Skateball
Bally, 1980
- Skateball
Bally, 1978
- Ski Jump
Zaccaria, 1978
- Skill Flight
Bell Games, 1986
- Skill Flight
Playmatic, 1987
- Sky Fly
Europlay, 1978
- Sky Warrior
I.D.I., 1983
- Slalom Code 0.3
Unidesa, 1988
- Slam 'N Jam
Alvin G. & Co., 1994
- Sleic Pin-Ball
Sleic, 1994
- SlugFest
Williams, 1991
- Snowbird
Mali, 1977
- Soccer Kings
Zaccaria, 1982
- Solar Fire
Williams, 1981
- Solar Ride
Gottlieb, 1979
- Solar Wars
Segasa 1986
- Sopranos
Stern, 2005
- Sorcerer
Williams, 1985
- South Park
Sega, 1999
- Space City
Zaccaria, 1979
- Space Fantasy
Mirco Games, 1977
- Space Galaxy
Mali, 1977
- Space Gambler
Playmatic, 1978
- Space Game
Recel, 1979
- Space Hawks
Bell Games, 1986
- Space Invaders
Bally, 1979
- Space Jam
Sega, 1997
- Space Mission
Williams, 1976
- Space Odyssey
Williams, 1976
- Space Panther
Maguinas/Mac Pinball, 1988
- Space Race
Recel, 1977
- Space Rider
Geiger, 1980
- Space Riders
Atari, 1978
- Space Ship
Unidesa, 1986
- Space Shuttle
Unidesa, 1986
- Space Shuttle
Zaccaria, 1980
- Space Shuttle
Williams, 1984
- Space Station
Williams, 1987
- Space Team
Tecnoplay, 1988
- Space Train
Maguinas/Mac Pinball, 1987
- Space Walk
Gottlieb, 1979
- Space Wars
Komplett, 1985
- Space Woman
Giuliano Lodola, 1979
- Spain 82
Playmatic, 1982
- Speakeasy
Bally, 1982
- Speakeasy
Playmatic, 1977
- Special Force
Bally, 1986
- Special Force Girls
Bally Wuff, 1986
- Spectra IV
Valley, 1978
- Spectrum
Bally, 1981
- Speed Rush
Playmec Flippers, 1975
- Spell B34
Williams, 1982
- The Amazing Spider-Man
Gottlieb, 1980
- Spirit
Gottlieb, 1982
- Spirit of 76
Gottlieb, 1975
- Spirit of 76
Mirco Games, 1975
- Spitfire
Williams, 1986
- Splashball
A.A. Amusements, 2004
- Split Second
Stern, 1981
- Spookey
Zaccaria, 1987
- Sport 2000
Unidesa, 1988
- Spot Pool
Gottlieb, 1976
- Spring Break
Gottlieb by Premier, 1987
- Sprint Girl
A.M.I., 1976
- Spy Hunter
Bally, 1984
- Star Battle
Cisco, 1978
- Star Explorer
Cic Play, 1977
- Star Fighter
Williams, 1983
- Star Fire
Playmatic, 1985
- Star Gazer
Stern, 1980
- Star God
Zaccaria, 1980
- Star Guard
Proma, 1985
- Star Light
Williams, 1984
- Star Light
Recreativos Garcia, 1986
- Star Race
Gottlieb, 1980
- Star Ship
Bally, 1976
- Star Shooter
Allied Leisure, 1979
- Star Trek
Bally, 1978
- Star Trek
Data East, 1991
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
Williams, 1993
- Star Trip
Game Plan, 1979
- Star Wars
Segasa, 1987
- Star Wars
Data East, 1992
- Star Wars Episode I
Williams, 1999
- Star Wars Trilogy
Sega, 1997
- Stargate
Gottlieb by Premier, 1995
- Stars
Stern, 1978
- Stars Phoenix
Zaccaria, 1978
- Starship Troopers
Sega, 1997
- Stellar Airship
Geiger, 1980
- Stellar Wars
Williams, 1979
- Still Crazy
Williams, 1985
- Stingray
Stern, 1977
- Stop Ship
Playmatic, 1985
- Storm
Segasa, 1979
- Strange Science
Bally, 1986
- Street Fighter II
Gottlieb by Premier, 1993
- Strike
Zaccaria, 1978
- Strike Force
Williams, 1986
- Striker
Gottlieb, 1982
- Striker Xtreme
Stern, 2000
- Strikes 'N Spares
Gottlieb by Premier, 1995
- Strikes and Spares
Bally, 1977
- Sun's Cruise
Giorgio Massiniero, 1976
- Super Bowl
Bell Games, 1984
- Super Dixieland
SIRMO, 1996
- Super Flipp
A.A. Amusements, 1987
- Super Mario Bros.
Gottlieb by Premier, 1992
- Super Mario Bors. Mushroom World
Gottlieb by Premier, 1992
- Super Nova
Game Plan, 1982
- Super Orbit
Gottlieb, 1983
- Super Picker
Allied Leisure, 1977
- Super Tris
C.E.A., 1979
- Superbowl
Allcoin, 1984
- Superman
Atari, 1979
- Supersonic
Bally, 1976
- Surf 'n Safari
Gottlieb by Premier, 1991
- Surfing
Sega, 1976
- Swashbuckler
Recel, 1979
- Swords of Fury
Williams, 1988
